Let’s add a little bit of spice to goal setting. We love the SMART acronym and standard ways of goal setting but let’s sprinkle on a little bit of creative dazzle and get busy making your dream life.
The first step, obviously, is actually setting some goals. This process in itself is creative as it’s all about looking at things from a new perspective and problem-solving. When setting goals using the smart acronym can be the most effective way to set goals that are meaningful, there's a reason why we’ve all heard about it.
It’s easy to get lost in the endless possibilities of self-improvement and what you ‘should’ be doing so we’ve created a PDF to help break down those thoughts and formulate them into tangible goals with a plan on how you're going to achieve them. Go complete that and then come back for some creative spice.
Okay, welcome back! Are your goals fresh in your mind and all planned out? Perfect, the activities listed below are all about intention. Sure creating a piece of art isn’t going to guarantee success, but envisioning your dream life whilst being creative might. Seeing your goal as already achieved is manifesting it into reality. Creating something visual that you see daily can become a reminder of your dream in the tough times and the sunny days. Your dream life is here, it's achievable and it’s reachable.
So let’s get crafty and create some super visuals to get you one step close to that goal.
We’ve all heard about them and sucess storys from this from of visulisation. Make a traditional collage vision board in the studio, we have all the matierlas and can guide you through it. A cheaper alternative that requires almost no materials is a digital vision board. You can make one of these by saving images on pintrest and then putting them all together in canva. Save this digital collage and use it as a screen saver. If you don't know where to start, you could always come along to an in-person vision boards workshop in our central-London studio.
Setting a word for the year that encompasses all of your goals is a great way to keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Whilst sewing envision your goals as if you've already achieved them. What is your new life like? What type of person has your dream life? How do they act? What do they do in their free time? How do they work? Once you’ve completed the word hang it somewhere that is relevant in your home. If it’s work-related hang it in your office or if it’s home-related place it in your living room.
3. Create a piece of art that reminds you of your goal
You have a creative licence here to create whatever you want. Just make sure that it feeds back into your goal and reminds you of it. If your goals are centred around growth and personal development you could draw a plant blooming. If your goals are financial you could paint only in green or draw the thing you’re saving for. We have a bunch of classes where you could complete them.
4. Get spreadsheet savvy
If you've completed our guide but are still craving more try tracking your goals on a spreadsheet. There is so much you can do on them and they're great for tracking. Also, they add an element of gamification which makes reaching your goals slightly more fun. If you want to be creative but find it difficult this could be the perfect way to add some spice to your goals. We’ve linked a few tutorials below.
Those are four ways to manifest and achieve your goals through creative crafts and a pdf to help you determine them in the first place. If you want to get creative in the new year, we still have some golden tickets available for our classes until April. These golden tickets will get you $5 off per person. If there are still tickets left when you go to book there will be an option to pay with a golden ticket.